Wild Nature Heart Seasonal Challenge
A Season of Deepening
The goal of Wild Nature Heart Challenge is simple: to cultivate a deeper sense of belonging to wild nature and to ourselves.
We're so happy you've joined!
The Wild Nature Heart Team
Your Instructor
My name is Ryan Van Lenning, Founder of Wild Nature Heart, and I am an earth-lover with a deep desire to be of service in the work of re-connection and re-membering during this Great Turning/Great Composting. I started Wild Nature Heart to support people to re-connect with the wisdom of both inner and outer wild nature, to live their soul callings into the world, and to assist in the work of repairing broken belonging.
I am an inner/outer wilderness guide and poet (author of Re-Membering: Poems of Earth & Soul) and High-Cooing Through the Seasons: Haiku From the Forest. I am certified as an Ecotherapist through The Earthbody Institute, at which I teach the Level 1 and 3 Ecotherapy courses. I am trained as a rite-of-passage/wilderness vision fast guide through the School of Lost Borders, through which I assist wilderness ceremonies, and am a Certified Wilderness First Responder through Foster Calm. Prior to moving to California 13 years ago, I taught Comparative Religion, Philosophy, and Environmental Ethics at Sinclair College in Ohio. I live among the forest and rivers in northern California, ancestral Wiyot, Yurok, and Sinkyone land. Email: [email protected]
Course Curriculum
StartCultivating Your Ecological Self
StartWild Water: Getting to Know Your Watershed
StartBelonging to Place: Ancestral People of the Land
StartPRACTICE: Getting to know your neighbors: Wild flora and fauna
StartPOEM: My Name is Belonging
StartPOEM: The First Nearby Faraway
StartWhy the Wild?